Gliding into February: Lessons in Love, Rest, and Planning for the Future

Ah, February! The second month of the year. The shortest month, too. However, for me, and for many people, it tends to feel like the longest. February can bring with it a peculiar blend of emotions. The magic of December and the fresh start of January are distant memories, while the warmth of spring seems tantalizingly out of reach. This month, often dominated by the pressure of Valentine’s Day, can either reinforce a sense of loneliness or burden us with the expectation of grand gestures to profess our love. However, if we take a slightly different perspective, February offers a unique opportunity for reflection, rest, and planning that can positively shape the months ahead.

Embracing the February Blues

February’s reputation for being the longest month may stem from a variety of factors. The winter blues might linger as we yearn for the warming of spring, and the initial enthusiasm of the new year may start to wane. The lack of sunlight and lingering cold weather can keep us cocooning in our homes, isolating from others and feeling down. However, acknowledging and embracing these emotions can be the first lesson February teaches us – the importance of understanding our feelings.

Rather than resisting the February blues, we can consider them as a natural part of the seasonal cycle. We can use this time for introspection and self-care, allowing ourselves to rest, both physically and mentally. It’s okay to take a step back and reevaluate our goals, ensuring they align with our true passions and aspirations.

Love, Loneliness, and the True Essence of Valentine’s Day

I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. Don’t get me wrong, I do LOVE love. But this particular holiday always rubs me the wrong way. There is a sense of pressure to do something extraordinary for the ones you love. As if intentionally showing them we love them every day is not enough. So, as the world dons shades of red and pink in celebration of love, it’s essential to recognize that Valentine’s Day can evoke a spectrum of emotions. For some, it’s a day of joy and connection, but for others, it may intensify feelings of loneliness or societal pressure to make grand romantic gestures.

The lesson here is to redefine the concept of love beyond romantic relationships. February can be a reminder to appreciate and express love for ourselves, our friends, and our family. Instead of solely focusing on the romantic aspect, we can use this time to cultivate a broader sense of love and compassion. Engage in acts of kindness, reach out to loved ones, or indulge in self-care rituals. Embracing the diverse forms of love can turn Valentine’s Day into a celebration of all meaningful relationships in our lives. Who knows, maybe this year I will want to celebrate Valentine’s Day, which kind of sucks because my love will be out of town that week.

Finding Joy in Planning

Despite the lingering winter gloom, February presents an opportunity for positive transformation. The third lesson lies in the art of planning. With spring on the horizon, this month becomes the perfect time to envision and structure our upcoming ventures.

As the groundhog predicts the arrival of spring, we, too, can start planning for the warmer days ahead. Whether it’s organizing a garden, planning spring and summer activities, or outlining an epic road trip, the act of planning injects excitement and anticipation into our lives. This February, I find myself deeply immersed in planning – not only for my garden and upcoming travels but also for personal projects that bring me joy.

This year, I’ve embarked on a journey of creativity and self-discovery. One of my endeavors involves the purchase of a kiln, an investment in my passion for pottery. The tactile nature of molding clay provides a therapeutic escape and an avenue for self-expression. Through this process, I’m learning patience, resilience, and the beauty of creating something tangible with my own hands. Many of you have commented (very kindly, I might add) on the videos I have posted of me attempting to work the clay on the potter’s wheel.

In addition to my pottery venture, I’m channeling my energy into planning a new blog series, aiming to share insights, stories, and lessons learned each month, along with daily reflections related to those lessons which I will post on Instagram. The process of putting thoughts into words not only serves as a creative outlet but also fosters connections with others who may resonate with our shared experiences. I find it to be a good way to connect with others. Maybe I will get brave and actually post myself speaking. And maybe I won’t.

Additionally, I’m laying the groundwork for a new book. February, with its contemplative atmosphere, provides the ideal backdrop for outlining ideas, researching, and setting the tone for a project that will unfold in the months to come. The lesson here for me is that February’s quietude can be a fertile ground for the germination of creativity and the cultivation of long-term goals.

Lessons in Rest and Rejuvenation

As we delve into the heart of February, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of rest. Amidst the planning and creative pursuits, taking moments to rest and rejuvenate becomes a vital lesson this month imparts. A well-rested mind and body are prerequisites for sustained productivity and creativity. I have not been finding rest to come easily as of late. My mind begins racing around 3:30 every morning, and I get up and out of bed when it does because I don’t want to disturb my wife with my tossing and turning. So, finding rest in other ways is very important to me right now.

Whether it’s a weekend retreat, a leisurely walk in the crisp winter air, or simply dedicating time to a favourite hobby, February is an opportune moment to recharge. I recognize that rest is not a luxury but a necessity for holistic well-being. In the midst of planning for the future, let’s not forget to embrace the present by allowing ourself the gift of restful moments.

February’s Unveiled Beauty

So, while February may be the shortest month, its lessons are profound and multifaceted. Embracing the February blues, redefining love beyond romantic expectations, finding joy in planning, and prioritizing rest are invaluable takeaways that can shape the course of our lives.

As I mold clay and fire it in my newly acquired kiln, pen down thoughts for this blog series, and lay the groundwork for a new book, I’m reminded that February’s beauty lies in its capacity to be a transformative period. It is a time to sow the seeds of creativity, tend to the garden of our aspirations, and appreciate the diverse forms of love that surround us. Before we know it, March will come in, like a lion or a lamb, and spring will make its return, and all our planning and rest will allow us to embrace the magic of Spring.

So, let us navigate all 29 days of February with a renewed perspective, embracing its challenges and opportunities. In doing so, we may uncover the hidden depths of this seemingly elongated month and emerge with valuable lessons that resonate throughout the seasons to come.

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