Finding Comfort and Creativity in Winter

The new year is upon us. I am enjoying a break from my work and now that the holiday rush has ended, I feel very restful, thoughtful, creative. I am not really a big fan of winter. I don’t like being cold. But I have been on this journey to embrace all that each season has to teach me about the natural cycles of life. So, surely there is something to be gained from this season too. We have not had much snow here yet, but the cold is definitely moving in. And I know that soon enough, the world will be covered in a blanket of white.

The season of winter does not get much attention from me. I enjoy the beauty of the seasons, but winter is often overshadowed by its more vibrant counterparts. I often forget, but now want to remember, that winter is a period of hibernation, introspection, and planning. In the hustle culture of our modern lives, it’s easy to forget the significance of this quieter time. So if you wish, explore with me why winter is more than just cold weather; it’s a season of rest, of planning, of being creative, and of spending time with the people we love.

Winter’s Rest

Winter, with its shorter days and longer nights, invites us to slow down, and provides us with opportunities for much-needed rest. In a world that glorifies constant productivity, we often forget the value of taking a step back to recharge our batteries. Winter encourages us to indulge in cozy evenings by the fireplace, wrapped in warm blankets with a cup of steaming tea in hand (which reminds me, I need to get my fireplace serviced). It invites us to have family game nights, to introduce our children to “old” movies…you know…from the *gasp* ’90s! It’s a time to reflect on the year gone by, to celebrate achievements, to learn from challenges and to make plans for the coming seasons.

Walter enjoys cozy naps on the couch in winter.

Practical Tip: Create a winter sanctuary in your home. Add soft blankets, scented candles, and a comfy chair to create a space where you can unwind and reflect. We recently moved some rooms around to prepare for an upcoming kitchen renovation, but in the process, we created a warm and cozy family room which reminds us of a cottage.

The Season of Planning

Just as a gardener plans for the spring gardens during the winter months, sketching out placements of garden beds (having learned what works and what doesn’t from the previous growing season), learning when the best time is to start seeds indoors etc., we too can use this season for strategic planning. Winter is a great time to set goals, both personal and professional, and to lay the groundwork for the year ahead. Many of us use the New Year to start something new. But I wonder if winter is really better designed for planning those changes. We can take stock of our achievements and failures, using these insights to create a pathway toward reaching our goals. Whether it’s starting a new creative project (such as writing a new book, staring a podcast, learning a new art form etc), cultivating a garden, or considering how your skills could transfer into a new industry, winter is the perfect season to sow the seeds of success.

Practical Tip: Create a vision board or write your vision for the upcoming year in your journal. Include images and words that represent your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Return to it regularly to serve as a daily reminder of what you’re working towards.

Creativity in Hibernation

At first glance, Winter seems like a time when nature lies dormant, but beneath the surface, there’s a flurry of activity. There is life down there, even when we can’t see it. And without it, the splendour of spring is not possible. Similarly, our creative energies can thrive during this season of stillness. I am using the quieter moments (which I am very aware will be less available once school is back in session) to explore new hobbies, delve into creative pursuits, and plan a new project I have been putting off. The cozy atmosphere of winter can be a catalyst for inspiration, and just as the life underground is working, unseen, this season of creative dreaming can spark ideas that will blossom come spring.

Practical Tip: Set aside dedicated time each week for a creative endeavor. Whether it’s writing, painting, knitting or learning to bake, let your creative ideas flow. I have recently taken up pottery. (And to those who follow me on Instagram, I will be making a new account to post my pottery fails and wins, so you won’t be inundated with videos of me playing with mud, and pots flying off the wheel…promise…unless you want to follow my new account.)

“We are born makers. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands.”

Brené Brown
My family enjoys family game night, though it can become quite competitive.

Warm Connections in the Cold

Winter is not just about solitude; it’s also a time to strengthen bonds with the people we love. The cold weather provides the perfect excuse to gather around a fire or the table, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company. Whether it’s a family game night, a potluck dinner with friends, or a simple movie marathon, these moments of connection are the true gifts of the season. Over this break, I have loved the laughter from my teens as we play together, and as they join with my wife to mock my “terrible taste” in movies.

Practical Tip: Plan a cozy get-together with loved ones. Embrace the warmth of shared laughter and create lasting memories.

Looking Forward to Spring’s Promise

While winter may seem like a season of dormancy, it is, in fact, a period of anticipation. Just as the earth awaits the first signs of spring, we too can use this time to envision a brighter future. Think about the blossoms you want to see in your life, whether they be personal growth, professional success, or newfound passions. Winter is the perfect canvas for painting the dreams that will burst forth when the snow melts away.

Practical Tip: Keep a journal of your aspirations for the upcoming year. Reflect on the steps you can take during winter to prepare for the opportunities that will bloom in spring.

As much as I dislike the cold, winter is not a season to be endured but embraced. It offers us a chance to rest, plan, be creative, and connect with those who matter most. So, as the snow falls (whenever that comes) and the temperatures drop, we can welcome winter’s embrace and use this time to build a foundation for a brighter, more fulfilling future. After all, in the rhythm of the seasons, every winter is a prelude to the promise of a vibrant spring.

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